Hammer hits with consistent power, delivering constant production. Operation cycle is more efficient – less waste in internal heat, more power delivered to the tool. Piston and tool are matched in diameter and mass, greatly increasing efficiency in power transmission. Blow frequency, hydraulic pressure and impact energy have been tuned to produce the highest possible work rates on Cat machines. So for different applications you're going to have different tool selections. General construction or general demolition of sidewalks driveways curbs chisel or mow point profile is where you're going to go at that point it's almost the operator's preference to be most productive for specialty job applications. We offer asphalt cutters compacting plates that are useful in general construction applications. If you have a heavily reinforced concrete application the profile of a boil point will be more productive for you because you have concrete that has lot of rebar in it. Its going to penetrate the material quicker you wont have the opportunity or the risk of chipping off a comer of the tool as jobs get bigger, such as aggregate producing secondary boulder break, we call it impact braking which is done above the ground. When rock is not in its natural state its been excavated or blasted. The H140 hammer is a valuable asset in utility work, quarries and bridge demolition, as well as other large-scale demolition projects. Give us a call for quote!

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